Operation Compassion Tackles At Risk, Malnourished Children

Hunger continues to plague an estimated one billion people around the world. Thirteen to eighteen million people, mostly children, die from hunger-related causes each year. That’s 35,000 people a day, over 1,000 every hour.

What the Bible says about Deterrents, Defense

“Churches are places of safety. Is this true? Not during this era of Islamist terrorism and the recent AME Church shooting in South Carolina. We should not forget but we do – things ‘normalize’ then it happens again and again. The ‘no guns allowed’ signs placed in secular institution windows is laughably un-enforceable – unless gunmen are lulled into pacifism by large black text,” stated Rick Dack of Defending the Bible International (www.defendingthebible.com). What does the Bible say about deterrents, defense and the Hebrew genocide myth (Exodus) used by some to reject faith?

Sharefaith Launches Migration Program for Church Websites

Sharefaith, one of the leading church websites providers, introduces a program for churches to improve their website by completely moving old information to the new platform. This process known as website migration is a notoriously difficult and time-consuming process. Sharefaith completes the service free of charge for new customers who purchase Sharefaith’s Complete Yearly plan.

Hope in the Midst of Tragedy

Bob Reccord, President, Hope for the Heart, Offers a Word of Hope in Response to Charleston, S.C. Tragedy:

Pastors Summoned to Participate in Call2Fall 2015

On Sunday, June 28, 2015, there will be a special prayer emphasis for whole congregations across the nation to fall on their knees as part of the Sunday morning worship, in humble acknowledgment of our individual and national dependence upon Almighty God and the need for national revival and spiritual renewal.

The Prophetic Significance Behind the Confederate Flag Backlash

The Civil War ended in 1865 but the Confederate flag is still flying proudly today in many southern communities. The red-white-and-blue banner is a symbol of both rebellion and racism that serves as a painful reminder of our nation’s history.

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