Virginia Dedicates Building in Honor of W.A. Davis

The Virginia Church of God state campground in Roanoke has a new dormitory building which was officially dedicated last week in honor of past Virginia state overseer and church leader, W.A. “Dick” Davis.

State Department Releases New International Religious Freedom Report

The U.S. Department of State’s Office of International Religious Freedom released its 2018 Report on International Religious Freedom ahead of its second Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom, which it will host in mid-July.

Redemption Press Releases Spiritual Thriller Based on a True Story

What if everything you thought was true and good—wasn’t?

Center for Ministerial Care Features Mentoring, Restoration Programs

The Center for Ministerial Care (CMC), a ministry under the Division of Care for the Church of God, has long been a resource for providing materials and counseling services for ministers and their families.

Road Tripping My Faith

It’s holiday travel time in the USA and beyond. Over the past weeks of summer multiplied millions of Americans have made their annual vacation treks and family getaways. Starting with our Memorial Day weekend, continuing with the long Independence Day weekend and regularly scheduled vacation breaks, we’ve been “road trippin.”

150,000 Being Reached for Christ in Sudanese Refugee Camps

South Sudan is the world’s newest country (2011), but it’s not faring well. In 2013, civil war broke out. In 2015, the fighting became so severe that now over two million people have fled into neighboring countries, including Uganda to the south. Over one million have been living in squalor in various refugee camps in Uganda, 65% under the age of 18.

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