Leadership Journal’s Final Issue Released Winter 2016

Leadership Journal was first published in 1980, and over 36 years and 145 issues, the journal has championed faithfulness and effectiveness in church leaders. However, Christianity Today International recently made the difficult decision to no longer publish Leadership Journal as a print quarterly. The Winter 2016 issue will be its last.

As announced in the final issue of Leadership Journal, Christianity Today will be launching two new initiatives to engage and equip pastors and church leaders:

First, Christianity Today magazine is deepening its commitment to local church leaders with a new special section titled “The Local Church.” This special section will include a podcast, a refreshing and reinvigorating web experience, and a special print issue of Christianity Today magazine.

Christianity Today is also developing a new website for pastors and church leaders, CTPastors.com, which will offer tested wisdom on the practical skills required to do ministry in today’s world. This site will feature all current and archived articles from Leadership Journal as well as new daily content.

Christianity Today is a nonprofit, global media ministry centered on Beautiful Orthodoxy—strengthening the church by richly communicating the breadth of the true, good, and beautiful gospel. Reaching over four million people monthly with various digital and print resources, the ministry equips Christians to renew their minds, serve the church, and create culture to the glory of God.

(Source: Christian Newswire)

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