Church of God Benefits Board Offering Live Webinar

The Church of God Benefits Board will be offering the next in a series of webinars when it hosts “W2 and Payroll Issues” this Friday, January 22, 2016 from 2:00 – 2:30 p.m. EST.

United Methodist Church Under Fire for Banning Intelligent Design Group

The slogan of the United Methodist Church (UMC) is “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.” But UMC officials are now under fire for being closed-minded and intolerant after they banned Discovery Institute, an intelligent design group, from sponsoring an information table at the denomination’s upcoming General Conference in May. Intelligent design is the idea that life and the universe show evidence of being the result of purposeful design rather than unguided processes.

Pastor Released After Being Held in an Iranian Prison for Over Three Years

Faith leaders held a news conference to discuss Pastor Saeed’s release and continued efforts to fight for religious freedom around the world. The news conference took place last Saturday in Washington, D.C.

Leadership Journal’s Final Issue Released Winter 2016

Leadership Journal was first published in 1980, and over 36 years and 145 issues, the journal has championed faithfulness and effectiveness in church leaders. However, Christianity Today International recently made the difficult decision to no longer publish Leadership Journal as a print quarterly. The Winter 2016 issue will be its last.