The Pursuit of Peace

“Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.” (Hebrews 12:14)

To pursue something or someone is to chase after, seek and overtake them; then continue on with the same pattern. There is a famous quote Americans like to use and admire from the Declaration of Independence; “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…” What a powerful statement! Yes, we are all created equal in the sight of God. Yes, the Lord has given us freedom through His Son. Yes, God does want us to live life abundantly. However, when we are in constant pursuit of happiness, are we really fulfilled? Once we obtain happiness, does the feeling last?

The Word of the Lord says to pursue peace and holiness. Happiness is a great feeling to seek and there is absolutely nothing wrong with the desire to be happy; however, it is dull in comparison to the peace and joy the Lord has to offer when we pursue Him. Please know I am grateful to the Lord for the Declaration of Independence and the freedom of our country. At the same time, as a believer of Christ, I am all the more thankful for the peace and joy I have through Him that goes beyond an emotion I feel when everything is going smoothly in my life. The times in life when nothing seems to be going right, happiness is nowhere to be found; however, when I search deep within, I can still sense a measure of peace that sustains me.

As chaplains, you have more to offer people than anything this world could ever offer. The world promotes temporary luxuries and leads people in constant pursuit of shallow feelings and accomplishments that never really satisfy. Everyone desires what only the Father can give. They search all over the world only to find themselves tired and yet again unfulfilled. What a glorious day when they finally become acquainted with the One chaplains represent.

Church of God Chaplains, you are carriers of living water that can quench the thirst of the pursuers of worldly happiness. You hold the answer to the abundant joy, peace and satisfaction they crave. Ministers, who go out in the world, win the world! Thank you for sharing the truth of God’s love with so many who have been lost. I pray your obedience to the Lord in accepting this call will bring you more peace and joy than you can ever imagine. There is such rest in knowing Christ and spending time in pursuit of Him. What He offers will always satisfy, and always comes with a promise. We will see Him.

Donnie W. Smith, D.Min.
Director COG Chaplains Commission

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