The Pursuit of Peace

“Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.” (Hebrews 12:14)

Why Busyness is Not a Badge of Honor

“I’m so slammed at the office this week.  I’m going to be working late every night to get things done!”

How Pope Francis Reacted to 50,000 Charismatics Praying Over Him

The pope has not always been a friend of the charismatic movement. On June 1, he remarked that, years ago when the Catholic Spirit-filled movement began, he “did not have much love for charismatics.”

Can Single Guys and Girls Just Be Friends?

Last week I was rejoicing with one of my single friends, Roman, because he believes he’s found the girl he wants to marry. Naturally I’m excited for him and I hope I can attend his wedding. I want all my single friends to find mates.