Remembering Yesterday, Restoring Today, and Redeeming Tomorrow

Cleveland, Tenn.— Cry out America is a grass-roots prayer and renewal movement seeking to unite citizens of every state, every county, and every church in prayer for a Christ Awakening in the nation. Prayer gatherings will be located at state capitols, county courthouses, city parks, churches, and other public venues on Wednesday, September 11, 2013. Last year, city and county officials, first responders, pastors, and committed laity gathered at 2,600 prayer points in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Approximately 260,000 people participated in these interdenominational, public prayer events.

National Cry Out America Coordinator Kay Horner believes, “This year could be a real turning point for the nation because so many national prayer ministries are joining the Cry Out America efforts and declaring Patriot Day (9/11) a day of prayer and repentance for the nation.” Dave Kubal, President of Intercessors for America—a 35-year-old organization uniting believers in effective fasting and prayer for America—is also challenging their members to 21 days of fasting and prayer following 9/11.

Rev. Horner explained, “We not only remember the tragic loss following the terrorist attacks of 2001, but we also remember the early American patriots, who fought and sacrificed so that we could be a nation with freedom to worship God without government restrictions. If we will do our part to help restore the godly foundations of the nation today, we will redeem future generations from oppressive forces that would try to extinguish the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives.”

“Prayer is the only thing that will save America. I’m here to stand with Cry Out America and serve our state and nation until America has a real revival and a return to God,” said Peggy Scarborough, South Carolina State Coordinator. This will be the third year that South Carolina has registered a prayer coordinator for each county in the state.

Christ Otto, Director of Belonging House in Salem, Massachusetts, and a prayer missionary in New England, said, “Cry Out America has become part of a larger movement of prayer that is happening across New England.

Judy Seifert, COA Ohio State Coordinator and National Day of Prayer County Coordinator said, “I am continually taken back by the great presence of the Lord that sweeps in upon us as we join our hands and hearts, cross denominational lines and cry out to God for mercy and pardon for America.”

Rev. Allen, County coordinator in Lexington, S.C. said, “In generations past people have found themselves at a crossroads of decision—a fork demanding a choice. Sometimes the nature of that choice determined the future of their children. Today we are at the crossroads where our very lives are at stake. For the last 40-plus years, our nation has increasingly drifted lazily toward the pitfalls of godless postmodern values; rejecting God’s standards in favor of a reinterpreted anything goes morality. We desperately need another spiritual awakening in America.”

To participate in a 9/11 Patriot Day prayer gathering in your city, state, or county, visit, locate your county coordinator or register as a volunteer to mobilize people for prayer.

This prayer initiative was birthed in the patriot hearts of America following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Millions of believers have united in the public square to remember the sacrifices of yesterday, seek God’s face for the restoration of godliness today, and help redeem future generations from the forces of darkness that they could potentially face tomorrow.

To learn more about the Awakening America Alliance, an organization purposed to “provide a broad umbrella under which the body of Christ in America can unite together in seeking a contemporary spiritual awakening, please visit


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