Church of God World Missions Orphanage Story!

A Little Girl Without a Country . . . But with a family!

Remembering Yesterday, Restoring Today, and Redeeming Tomorrow

Cleveland, Tenn.— Cry out America is a grass-roots prayer and renewal movement seeking to unite citizens of every state, every county, and every church in prayer for a Christ Awakening in the nation.

Mission Aviation Fellowship Launches a Digital App for Sharing the Gospel

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) has released a new digital tool that makes it easy for isolated believers to access digital Christian training resources –without the need for an internet connection.

Why Two-Thirds of Americans Want the Bible in Public Schools

The place of the Bible in public schools has been debated since the 1963 Supreme Court ruling in the consolidated cases of Abington School District v. Schempp and Murray v. Curlett.