Thousands Participate in Teen Talent

Cleveland, TN–Some called it the Canadian Invasion. Others considered it a Caribbean Crusade. Either way, the students who needed a passport to come to Lee University last week stole the show and won the most hardware at the International Teen Talent competition this past week at Lee University.

In all, thousands of students from 37 states and seven nations showcased their gifts and talents in Music, Drama, Arts, Multimedia, Bible Quizzing and Bible Teaching. Trophies went to the Top-3 in every category, with several going home with scholarships to Lee University.

The Top-3 winners (aged 12-19) from every state and region qualified for the international competition, which took place in person at Lee University for the first time since 2019. Live performances were conducted all week in front of a panel of adjudicators. Artists and writers didn’t stand before judges, but got to stand beside their work during the Artist Meet in Greet on Tuesday.

“We are so grateful for your talent and your anointing,” said Bishop Rob Bailey, the International Youth and Discipleship Director. “This is just the beginning for many of you. Now let’s take these talents home and continue to glorify God.”

–David White, Director, Youth & Discipleship, Kentucky

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