Two New Churches Launched

On September 12, 2021, Pastor Adam and Carrie Mew launched Second Mile Church in Wilmington, North Carolina. They were trained by ARC (Association of Related Churches) almost 1 ½ years ago, but they faithfully worked and waited to plant the church until a better time. The wait was worth it.

Second Mile Church was launched in a cinema with 144 in attendance. Eleven people committed their lives to Christ. On the following Sunday, 182 people were in attendance.

A week later, on September 19, 2021, Pastor Jason Stubbs and his wife, Linsey launched Oak City Church in Memphis, Tennessee with 121 in attendance. Nine people accepted Christ and two requested to be baptized in water. It was a rainy day in the middle of the Covid virus uptick, but the Holy Spirit was there to bless the birth of this new life-giving church.

Against overwhelming odds, these two new churches were born and served notice to all that God is not finished yet. It is not a time to get entangled with a negative mindset. People are hurting and are looking for answers to some pretty powerful questions concerning God, faith, and eternity. They are more open to the Good News of Jesus than ever.

Congratulations Pastors Adam, Carrie, Jason, and Linsey! Please keep them in your prayers for a great harvest of souls.

–Mitch Maloney, Director, Office of Church Planting (

Mew family

Stubbs family

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