Anchor: ‘You Don’t Need Help from Above’

CNN’s Chris Cuomo closed a recent program by saying we didn’t need help from the almighty, instead we just need to “believe in one another” and “do the right thing for yourself and your community” and that would make things better for the country.

Cuomo, who is Catholic, said “You don’t need help from above. It’s within us.”
This isn’t the first time the self-professed believer has criticized petitioning the God of the universe for help here on earth. In November 2018, Cuomo responded to a string of deadly shootings in the US by mocking prayer:

You mock those who lost loved ones, because if you gave it any thought at all, you would never walk away from any of these without figuring out a better way to deal with them.”

The liberal anchor then turned to God.

“And prayer? You think leaving it to God is the answer? We pray for strength, we pray for wisdom, for resolve, but we clearly don’t want to act on any of those here,” he said, adding, “So what are you praying for?”

This is just the latest incident in which prayer and God are mocked as solutions to issues. Cuomo’s advice to “do the right thing for yourself” actually runs counter to what the Gospel preaches, which is to sacrifice your own wants and desires in order to help others. Followers of Christ are to be outward seeking, looking to offer assistance to the needy rather than serving our own selfishness.

Prayer is always a perfectly fine option for any circumstance on any given day, because God is intricately involved in the affairs of men — and because He tells us to pray!

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” — Philippians 4:6

(Source: FaithWire)

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