Dr. Robert O’Bannon: A Church of God Missionary…And More

Dr. Robert O’Bannon, 82, passed away earlier this month in a healthcare facility in Cleveland, Tenn. His life was a testimony of weaving in missionary work to make a difference for the kingdom, sometimes sacrificing, or placing on hold, other callings.

Church of God World Missions Director Dr. David M. Griffis and Assistant Director Dr. M. Thomas Propes extended their deepest sympathy to the family in their loss. Dr. Griffis said this: “Dr. Bob O’Bannon was an outstanding minister, missionary and educator. He literally affected lives of thousands around the globe. We are also blessed by the fact that Bob and Nancy O’Bannon were part of the World Missions family and helped share the love of God around the world. We extend our deepest sympathy to his friends and family round the world.”

Dr. Bob and his family served on the mission field as superintendent of the Middle East from 1964 until 1967. He and his family ministered in Cairo, Egypt, and then in Lebanon until they were forced to evacuate during the Six-Day War in 1967.

Robert O’Bannon’s contributions to the mission field will long be remembered, and his influence in the field of education are immeasurable. Feeling that training Christian leaders is the key to growth, Dr. Bob established the Middle East Theological Institute in Jerusalem in 1965, where it was housed in the Mt. of Olives Church of God.

The family returned to Cleveland where Dr. Bob resumed his faculty position teaching in the Lee University science department. Dr. Bob was a member of the Lee Faculty for over 40 years and had great notoriety in his accomplishments.

“Dr. Bob” was a notable man of integrity and intellect, balanced with a remarkable sense of humor. Once you’d met him, you never forgot him.

(Source: Church of God World Missions)

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