New Release Focuses on Untold Story of East German Christians Under Soviet Occupation

The untold story of the fate of ordinary Germans in East Germany during and after World War II is highlighted in a new release. Refuge and From Fear to Freedom, a re-release by Redemption Press (October 2019) combines both titles, originally published in 1987 and 1993, into one volume. The first person account by Liane I. Brown shares the struggles of her Christian East Prussian family to survive in the midst of the horrors of WW II, and God’s faithfulness to them.

The Guddat family fled from East Prussia to a village that was invaded and occupied by the Red Army where they were treated brutally, harassed, and forced to live without sustenance. Fleeing starvation and death, Liane’s mother miraculously escaped with her four children to freedom in Berlin. What followed were years of testing and difficulty as they lived in refugee camps in the American and British zones. After a seven-and-a-half-year separation, her father, Emil Guddat, returned from a prisoner of war camp in Algiers and the family was reunited. Liane was the first to emigrate to America with the rest of her family following two years later.

The Florida State Association of the National League of the American Pen Women awarded Refuge first place in the 1989 biographical book competition. The sequel From Fear to Freedom, won first place in the non-fiction category by the Florida State Association of the National League of the American Pen Women competition in 1993. Liane Brown speaks frequently at churches, schools, colleges, ladies’ retreats, and civic organizations.

(SOURCE: Redemption Press via Christian Newswire)

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