Emma’s Kids at Christmastime

Birthed in the heart of Saundra Wikelund as a tribute to her deceased mother’s life, Church of God missionaries Rodger and Saundra Wikelund sought to rescue children from the streets of Zambia, one of the poorest nations of the world, by establishing Emma’s Kids.

A common thread running through the lives of street children is usually they have only one or no parents all. The HIV crisis a few years ago left countless children orphaned. Often children find themselves as caregivers for younger siblings and are unable to pay school fees besides. The street children are in constant grave danger because of stealing and begging as a means of survival.

Emma’s Kids has become endeared to the hearts of the people of Church of God World Missions and is continuing a legacy of changing lives and benefiting its community in multiple ways. Over the years, the school has become a landmark institution of provision and education. As many as 300 children are being educated, and the government has embraced the Academy by providing seven teachers. One of the end results is children of Emma’s Kids are now contributing back into their communities by working in prison and homeless ministries.
In the local community, the Shoprite grocery store blesses Emma’s Kids with gifts at Christmastime. They are grateful for the positive effect Emma’s Kids has had during the years to help solve the problems that accompany orphaned children.

Emma’s Kids farm has been sustaining, as the homegrown produce serves to feed the orphanage and the community, thereby also teaching the children how to farm and provide a livelihood for them in the future. Recently, they have expanded to include a piggery, which is a staple of support for Emma’s Kids.

In recent years, various churches in the United States include Emma’s Kids among their projects to support. One notable church is citylife Church in Tampa, Florida, who annually take teams to minister to the children.

Enjoying the Christmas season and the celebrating of the birth of the Christ Child, Emma’s Kids feels sincere gratitude for the love and support throughout the years from its donors.

Saundra and Rodger express heartfelt emotion when they say: “We are so blessed! Thank you for your commitment and loyalty to Emma’s Kids. You make this ministry work!”

To support Emma’s Kids via Church of God World Missions, please visit cogwm.org and refer to Project #715-0116.

(Source: Church of God World Missions)

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