Shooting Victim Macias to Attend Commemoration Service at Sutherland Springs Church

This Sunday, November 4, 2018, the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas, will be commemorating the lives of those who perished during the tragic shooting that took place a year ago. Set to be among the attendees are Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Dr. Jim Richards, Executive Director of the SBCT. Also at this special service will be Sergeant Juan Ignacio Macias, the oldest son of Bishop Juan Ignacio Macias, Church of God national evangelist.

One year ago, on Sunday, November 5, 2017, Sergeant Macias, and his wife, Jennifer, were gathered with other parishioners for that morning’s worship service at Sutherland Springs. A gunman entered the small Baptist church and unloaded his military grade rifle. He killed 26 people and injured 20 more. Sergeant Macias was shot multiple times, bullets piercing his vital organs and leaving him clinging to life.

Although many physicians did not expect him to live, Sergeant Macias received the best care possible at the Military Hospital in San Antonio, Texas. He responded well to lengthy treatments and slowly recovered some of his vital faculties. Strenuous and lengthy physical and emotional therapy helped him gain movement and taught him how to manage his limitations.

Sergeant Juan Ignacio Macias, left, is joined by his father, Bishop Juan Ignacio Macias last month (click photo to enlarge)

Sergeant Macias’ father, Bishop Juan Ignacio Macias, reports that with the help of a cane, his son is walking. He also drives and continues to improve in other aspects of daily living. Evangelist Macias says that he admires his son’s attitude and forgiving response to this horrific experience. “He is not bitter or resentful,” Rev. Macias explained. “He allows God’s grace to daily sustain him and regularly gives thanks to Him for allowing him to continue living and enjoying his family.” Sergeant Macias serves in the U.S. Marines Corps and he and his wife have two children, Nicholas and Amanda.

A few weeks ago, Sergeant Macias’ son was married in southern California. Bishop Macias states that he was so delighted and honored to see his son and daughter-in-law at his grandson’s wedding enjoying the special moment and fulfilling their parental responsibilities. Bishop Macias also said that his son, through this painful trial, has taught him many lessons related to forgiveness, restoration and God’s providential care and provision.

“Gunny Macias is my hero!” Bishop Macias said of his son. “I will be sitting along with him and his family at the commemoration service Sunday, November 4, 2018 at First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas.” Bishop Macias went on to express deep appreciation to his Church of God family and executive leadership for their prayers, love and support during this crisis.

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