Church of God Seeks to Make Impact in Rwanda

The Church of God in Kigali, Rwanda wants to turn the city into one that will shine before East Africa through a training center so others will see the Light of the world. As one of the cities of focus in the World Missions SL2C project, Kigali is a prime location to evangelize and make disciples.

Few major towns exist in Rwanda, but Kigali is the largest with one million people. Just south of the Equator in east central Africa, the country of Rwanda has breathtaking scenery and is often referred to in French as the “land of a thousand hills.” Unfortunately, she was the site of one of the worst atrocities in history with the 1994 genocide that killed one million Tutsi and Hulu. Christians failed to take their positions as pastors and Bishops failed their flocks by participating in the heinous crime. The majority of this group of leadership were not theologically trained. Training modern leadership that can stand for their Christian position and show the Light to the nation, as well as East Africa in general, is now the heart’s cry.

Building plans for the site of the training center HUB have been difficult to be approved due to its position in a new section of Kigali. The old master plan of building in this sector was cancelled and the government stopped giving or approving building plans while waiting on the new master plan to be in place. Church of God leadership participated in forming the new master plan. With the current plan that was established, new building drawings must be submitted to ensure they are in conformity with the new requirements.

Vision of Training Ministers

The Rwandan government requests the Church of God national overseer provide nothing less than a bachelor degree be offered in the training center to be built that will qualify it as a leading church institution. A law to that effect will soon be in force.

Additionally, the government wants every local church pastor to have at least a diploma in Theology. Today, most pastors are in search of private studies in trying to meet government policy. From what has already been stated on the spiritual climate of Rwanda, one can readily see the need for developing and training ministers.

The church of today needs to be led by those trained in leadership for ultimate effectiveness. Not only is the Gospel for the poor and needy, but it must be available to those in the city and the learned communities. Kigali is surrounded by approximately 10 city towns where trained ministers can reach them with the Send the Light project. This is even more crucial, as the government does not allow people to meet in homes.

Latest on Government Permit Process

Along with the conformity of drawings for the Kigali master plan, the drawings must also be approved by the environmental ministry to be certain the plans include care for the environment.

The Rwanda Electricity Department must approve the electrical drawings so they meet the required standard for public safety. The drawings need to also show the building is soundproof, has a garden, parking places, and fire extinguishers.

When these conditions are fully met, the drawing will be taken to the Kigali City Center for final approval for the building permit.

World Missions Director David M. Griffis and Assistant Director M. Thomas Propes have high expectations for the HUB to be built in Kigali, Rwanda—expectations that will bring about a great harvest in a city that needs God’s healing and deliverance.

To support the efforts in Kigali through World Missions, please refer to project #102-9435-004.

(Source: Church of God World Missions)

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