Division of Education Announces Two New Updates

The Church of God Division of Education, led by Chancellor of Education Dr. Michael Baker, is excited to announce two new updates: the update of the Learning the Practices of Ministry video lessons and the availability of the ministerial credential study guides in digital format.

The Learning the Practices of Ministry video lessons brings new material that applies currently. For example, Patrick Ballington, Erin Burleson, and Sam Burleson share about how to connect with people who are not Christians and how to bring the gospel to them. Doing so today sometimes requires a new thinking process and they explain their One Step strategy.

David Cooper, senior pastor of Mt. Paran Church of God in Atlanta, tells how people can know their calling. In his explanation, he gives several key points for consideration. In addition, Cooper talks about other important ministries, such as how to minister effectively in worship, to the infirm, to those who are grieving, and in leading a church.

Mark Walker and Jeremy Isaacs, along with other staff members of Mount Paran North, discuss how to establish a vision for the church, develop a strategy for the vision, and implement the vision. They thoroughly explain the steps for actual church ministry through the acronym—VOICE. VOICE includes visions, organization, involvement, and evangelism. Walker recently accepted a new path in ministry as a vice president at Lee University.

Director of the Church of God Benefits Board Art Rhodes helps the viewers with his discussion of personal and church finances. He talks about major financial statements that churches need to use, about how to obtain a loan, and how local churches should manage money. In addition, he explains responsibilities that ministers and churches have for taxes, including forms that are used.

“The Division of Education believes that this update will both inform and engage the viewers,” stated Dr. Don Bennett with DOE. “Those who have seen a preview of the video lessons have given the update very high ratings because of the content and engagement.”

The ministerial credential study guides will be available in digital (PDF) format beginning September 1. These study guides include all ranks of credentials and certificates—Exhorter, Ordained Minister, Ordained Bishop, Minister of Christian Education, and Minister of Music.

The study guides may be ordered at the Division of Education website. The address is http://stores.mdsom.org/ministerial-licensure. Paper copies of the ministerial study guides will continue to be available and may be ordered at the same website location.

(Source: Division of Education)

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