Baker Outlines Church of God Global Education Initiative

Newly-appointed Chancellor of the Church of God Division of Education, Michael L. Baker, recently outlined a strategic vision for the future of education in the Church of God. Baker also serves as president of the Pentecostal Theological Seminary and during his inaugural speech on October 19, 2016, he delivered the following concerning a Global Education Initiative:

Since its early days, the Church of God has demonstrated a Commitment to the core value of “Education” founding the Bible Training School (BTS) and Academy in Sevierville, Tennessee and later moving to Cleveland becoming the campuses of Lee University and the Pentecostal Theological Seminary. Preparing ministers was the focus of BTS, and laid the foundation for Lee and PTS. In 1999, the Church of God Executive Council authorized the establishment of the Division of Education and School of Ministry.

That Commitment to Education states, “We commit ourselves to education as a vital part of all phases of the Spirit-filled Christian life. Education is to be nurtured by the church: locally in rural areas, towns, and cities; regionally in counties, states, and geographical regions; internationally in every country with a Church of God presence; and globally in every continent of the world.” Further, the 76th International General Assembly adopted a Contemporary Ministerial Development Report articulating dedication to “…initiate a culture of learning…investing in perpetual ministerial training.”

As a result, the International Executive Committee took a historic step with the purpose to assimilate Church of God educational assets for an integrated, comprehensive, and cooperative global education system. This action, under the heading Global Education Initiative, begins a process to network and strengthen scholastic endeavors globally, incorporating the existing facets of the Division of Education and the Pentecostal Theological Seminary under one administrative paradigm. The Initiative called for the merger, enhancement and expanded responsibilities and duties of the Chancellor of Education in the Church of God and President of the Pentecostal Theological Seminary. I am humbled and immensely honored to serve the role of Chancellor and President working together with church leaders and educators shaping a preferred future. While there are two titles, I view them as tools, tools to expedite the concentration of our efforts, maximizing and expanding our Education Commitment.

Currently, there are more than 120 Church of God educational institutions that extend around the globe. On every continent, the church has established Bible institutes, colleges and seminaries with the purpose of ministerial preparation and leadership enrichment sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to nations and cultures on every continent.

The goal of the Global Education Initiative is networking educational institutions and leaders, leveraging our educational resources and creating a comprehensive global team of educational leaders. As we look to the next level of academic engagement, we must be prepared to evaluate, rethink, refocus, and revision education for relevant 21st century ministry.

The centrality of the Division of Education is a corporate vision, connectivity, resources, and augmented partnerships—partnerships with World Missions, ministry divisions, local churches, states and regions, nations, world areas, and opportunities for greater fraternal ministry relationships and joint involvement. Our covenant is joining our hearts and hands together, standing shoulder-to-shoulder creating critical ministry mass fulfilling the Great Commission of Christ.

The Initiative will…
• Enhance educational endeavors globally for the next generation of ministers, leaders and laity;
• Expand distance education and enrichment possibilities;
• Development of an online Media Network;
• Accelerate international ministerial development programs; and
• Committed global institutional support for the “FINISH Commitment.”

The vision of the church is identified as the FINISH Commitment, believing that we can see in this generation the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Let’s contextualize education and our visional task with the acrostic of FINISH.

F FIND, finding and developing the next generation of called leaders who reach the lost;
I INTERCEDE, making prayer our highest priority and privilege in the educational process;
N NETWORK, networking of educational assets globally;
I INVEST, invest in our leaders and actualize their ministry potential;
S SEND, send prepared and trained ministers, leaders and laity around the world sharing the message of Christ; and,
H HARVEST, witnessing Pentecostal empowered disciples of Christ immersed in the FINISH Commitment bringing the Great Commission to fruition.

Strategically, the Global Education Initiative is comprised of three components: First, Enrichment, providing educational opportunities contextualized at every level of the church with seminar type experiences; coaching and mentoring network; pastoral covenant groups; next level leadership; biennial education symposiums; research module; certificate program; and much more; Second, Leadership Development, focused upon a practical School of Ministry; ministerial preparation, credentialing and internship; and a full spectrum of educational ministries; and third, Higher Education, delivering accredited degree preparation at the bachelors, masters and doctorate levels.

So, what defines the Division of Education? It is comprised of all Church of God educational agencies, institutions, and programs around the world predicated upon a Biblical and theological foundation set forth in the Declaration of Faith. Its objective is to make available certified and accredited instructional experiences to individuals through a coordinated global system. The Division of Education is focused on building a living and dynamic educational organism providing the highest standards for spiritual growth, ministerial development and ministry enrichment. The role of Chancellor will provide catalytic leadership unifying and capitalizing our global educational assets expanding superlative ministry training.

For more information on the Church of God Division of Education, visit

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