Operation Compassion and Feed the Children Go Back to School

Operation Compassion is partnering with Feed the Children to help the Church of God provide kids with the supplies they need to go back to school.

Through this unique partnership, churches can get a standardized set of backpacks and supplies delivered right to their door for significantly less than retail price. Churches can then get “hands-on” to assemble the backpacks and deliver them to children in the community.

“When you provide backpacks full of school supplies to children from low-income families you act as God’s hands, delivering real help and real hope to kids in need,” said Dave Lorency, president of Operation Compassion. “We know you share our heart for children and by partnering with us, you can help low-income families in your community in a way that’s cost-effective, efficient, and fun.”

For more information contact Feed the Children’s church engagement team calling 1-800-627-4556, or emailing [email protected].

(Source: Operation Compassion)

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