Kidfest 2016 Registration Now Open

Frontier Kidfest will be the opening Kidfest event in the Kidfest 2016 season on April 8-10 at the Westin Hotel in Irving, Texas.

According to Children’s Ministries Coordinator Tony Lane, Frontier Kidfest will attract hundreds of kids. Children’s ministry leaders from churches in Texas, New Mexico, South Central Hispanic Region and the Heartland Region will take their groups for a weekend encounter with the Holy Spirit.

“There will be four dynamic church services programmed for kids and geared to their liking,” Lane said. “It will be an awesome opportunity for children to enjoy uninhibited worship and praise in an environment with hundreds of their peers as they together proclaim we serve a God without limits. Every year, hundreds of boys and girls are filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.”

“International Youth and Discipleship understands the need to target those between the age of 4 and 14 and is doing everything possible to reach those within the 4/14 window. Ministry to children has been a priority for many years!”

Kidfest has been a ministry of Youth and Discipleship since 2002. Since it’s beginning in Texas, Kidfest has expanded to five locations in the United States, as well as internationally where the idea has been built upon. With the theme, TURN IT UP, the focus in each of the five venues will focus on helping children understand the importance turning up their voice, their heart, their passion and their ear.

Midwest Kidfest will continue at the Great Wolf Lodge in Mason, Ohio on April 15-17, where space is limited and the cost includes a 3 -ay admission to the indoor water park, as well as the four services. April 22-24 is the date of the Carolina Kidfest, which will be held at the Charlotte, N.C. Renaissance Suites Hotel. Smoky Mountain Kidfest is scheduled for April 29-May 1 and will be held for the sixth year at the Gatlinburg Convention Center, the earlier site of Winterfest. At this location, each group is able secure their own lodging and lodging recommendations are available on the website. Registration is happening now for all Kidfest events. Registration and rooming list forms can be obtained at

The guest speaker line-up includes a variety of people who love ministry to kids. They include Kidfest favorites-Jumpstart 3, B-Shoc, Chagy and Compel. New to the Kidfest line-up this year will be His Little Feet, Madison Hagler, Tanner :Lemon and some other surprise guests. Winterfest has been happening for 33 years. Kidfest has been happening for 15 years. Don’t wait until they’re old enough for Winterfest when you can take them to Kidfest now and reach them before they have to be rescued!

For a brochure or for more information, call 423-478-7229 or go to

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