Conference to Mobilize Christians Across New England Set for May 20-21

On May 20-21, Vision New England is launching the new GO Conference to inspire, encourage and unite Christians and strengthen churches across the six-state region. The conference will be held at the award-winning Connecticut Convention Center, 100 Columbus Boulevard in downtown Hartford. The theme will be Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly and Make Disciples, based on Micah 6:8.

Keynote speakers during plenary sessions will include: Rich Stearns, President of World Vision U.S.; Bryan Stevenson, Founder and Executive Director of the Equal Justice Initiative; Carl Medearis, author of “Muslims, Christians and Jesus;” and the Reverend Liz Walker, Pastor of the Roxbury Presbyterian Church in Massachusetts.

There will also be 36 workshops to help attendees to discover how they can live out the conference theme by going and impacting New England for Christ. On Friday evening, there will be a special Go Live celebration of what God is doing across New England, with speakers, videos and worship led by the popular native New England band Unspoken. Throughout the conference, an exhibition hall will showcase some of New England’s finest ministries and resources.

The Go Conference will open at 8 am on Friday, May 20 and end mid-afternoon on Saturday, May 21. Attendees may commute or reserve discounted overnight lodging at participating hotels. Early conference registration rate of $125 per person ends on March 31. Standard registration rate is $145. Opportunities exist for sponsors, exhibitors and volunteers. For more details and online registration, please call toll-free 888-853-9602 or visit

Founded in 1887 as the Evangelistic Association of New England, Vision New England (VNE) has been a vibrant catalyst for inspiring, equipping and uniting the body of Christ and strengthening churches in the six-state region for 129 years.

(Source: Christian Newswire)

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