New Xulon Bible Study: Engages the Minds & Hearts of Teenagers

Within the pages of Bob Dowell’s new book, Papa, Tell Us About the Bible – A Grandfather/Granddaughters Dialogue, ($13.99, paperback, 9781498453509) readers will join “Papa” and his three teenage granddaughters in their journey through the Bible – discovering and discussing its eternal truths – essential guides for living a purposeful life. Because of its drama framework, this book provides multiple ways for engaging teenagers’ interest in understanding the Bible. It serves as a guide for parents and grandparents, also as a playbook for family production and discussion. The playbook format works well for youth groups – church, or church camps, or Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Designated members of the group read aloud the characters’ lines, creating a spirited and instructive Bible drama for reflective discussion.

“It is an engaging presentation of the Bible as an instructive guide to live by,” states the author. “Whether read individually and silently or read aloud with a group, the reader participates vicariously in the characters’ journey through the Bible discovering and discussing its eternal truths – essential truths for living a purposeful life.”

Bob Dowell, PhD, is an innovative Christian writer dedicated to counteracting the rising tide of cultural indifference to traditional Biblical values. In the writing of this book, Dr. Bob utilized his knowledge of the Bible and of literature in general from his teaching of the Bible and literature as a university professor. For many years in his career, he taught a course entitled, “The Bible As Literature”. He spent a decade researching and writing his three volume work, Understanding the Bible: Head and Heart, an innovative work utilizing both prose and poetry – coined the word, “prosepoe.”

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 15,000 titles published to date.

(Source: Christian Newswire)

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