Operation Compassion Sends Medical Supplies to Congo, Africa

As part of a long term strategy to reach out to African nations, Operation Compassion recently sent medical supplies and equipment to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in central West Africa. With many African countries facing economic difficulties, Operation Compassion has been trying to open doors into the Continent through strategic partnerships.

As part of this endeavor, Operation Compassion, an independent benevolent organization with roots in the Church of God, has partnered with Bishop Martin Mutyebele and his church in Belgium. They have built a hospital with four wings to better serve the people of the Congo. This container filled with medical exam tables, x-ray view boxes, surgical and medical lighting, mixed medical and surgical supplies, hospital furniture, linens, drapes, exam gloves and many other needed supplies will help supply this hospital providing doctors, nurses and other medical personnel an opportunity to more efficiently treat and care for their patients.

Hopefully, in the near future, Operation Compassion will be able to walk through more open doors in Africa. While Operation Compassion cannot to everything, everywhere, we can use our resources to best meet needs wherever that leads us. Traditionally, there are seven continents and Operation Compassion has now served five (North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa). Australia and Antarctica are the two remaining.

Help Operation Compassion save lives. It is easy to donate via online donations:www.operationcompassion.org, calling your donations to 423.728.3932, or by mail to Operation Compassion, 114 Stuart Road, NE Suite 370, Cleveland, TN 37312.

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