New Pamphlet Explains Meaning Behind Parable of the Prodigal Son

We’ve heard the statistic before: “70% of young Christian adults drop out of church” —but the good news is that studies show that almost two-thirds return to their faith.

How do we treat the young person who cautiously comes home? Are we welcoming and loving, even though their lives aren’t perfect?

Jesus’ great parable of the Prodigal Son is a favorite Bible story of grace and forgiveness for all ages. To get the most out of this parable it’s important to understand the different personalities: the loving father, the wayward younger son, and the angry older son.

Rose Publishing’s new pamphlet on The Parable of the Prodigal Son can be used as a Bible study for personal use or adult groups that exposes not only three different spiritual approaches in the story, but also offers sound advice on how to pray, trust, and wait on the Lord with the prodigals within our own lives.

“I am personally dealing with a situation with the child who strayed. This is a useful tool with questions to ponder. The five prayers are excellent. They would be very useful to parents who are hurting.” — Ann Sanger, Church leader, blogger, and Rose reviewer

This 14-page pamphlet contains reflection exercises and Biblical wisdom to comfort and support those who struggle with their own prodigals while also examining the prodigals’ perspective and heart. Unpack the meaning of love and grace in The Parable of the Prodigal Son pamphlet, and discover meaningful life lessons. Includes reflection questions and exercises.

“Importantly, the pamphlet reminds us about God’s grace and Jesus’ invitation to us to extend that same grace. You’ll also find ‘helps’ that bring comfort.” — John March, Pastoral Counselor and creator of the Living Well blog

(Source: Christian Newswire)

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