Indonesian Ministry Church of God Conference Held in Dallas

On November 14, 2014, the Indonesian Ministry Church of God (IM COG) held a conference in Dallas, Texas. The event was attended by Dr. Kenneth Hill, new Director of Multi-Cultural Ministries and Administrative Bishop for Portuguese/Indonesian Churches USA/Canada who gives the following report on the conference:

During the conference, Pastor Raymond Pranoto, who is the coordinator of IM COG, reminded everyone of the vision of IM COG, which is found in Isaiah 49:6, that IM COG will become a blessing for America by bringing the fire of revival that is occurring in Indonesia to America.

Dr. Ken Hill, fourth from left on the front row, is joined by delegates to the conference (click on photo to enlarge)

These days, Indonesia is experiencing the Lord’s movement and as a result, Indonesia is experiencing restoration. Increased economic growth, the conversion of the Muslims in great numbers, and also the unity across denominational churches are becoming the phenomenon in Indonesia. There are four main spiritual movements that are happening in Indonesia: the prayer tower movement, cell group and prayer walk movement, the young generation movement, and the evangelical movement.

The prayer tower movement, which started in 2000, involves the inter-denominational churches that have united to pray for Indonesia in the prayer tower for 24 hours daily. Currently, there are 35 operating 24/7 prayer towers in Indonesia.

The prayer walk movement started in 2012, as a result of the World Prayer Assembly, a world prayer conference that was held in Indonesia. This movement was initiated by the National Prayer Network. Cell groups started to routinely do prayer walks in streets, in cities, and in other important places.

The young generation movement in Indonesia started in 2010. Through a camp that was named Raising The Standard, high school students were visited by the Lord. This camp was then held in different cities and was attended by thousands of young people and they were restored. As of now, 57 cities in Indonesia have been visited by the Lord through this camp.

The evangelical movement in Indonesia was started in 2006 through the Healing Movement Crusade conducted by Dr. Niko Njotorahardjo. Crusades in the form of revival meetings were held in open fields and were attended by thousands of people. As of now, 240 cities in Indonesia have been visited by the Lord through these crusades. Thousands of Muslims experienced healing miracles, and as a result, converted and received Jesus Christ.

IM COG has a mission from the Lord to impart the revival fire in Indonesia to America. As of now, IM COG has two prayer towers in the city of Washington DC and San Bernardino, which operate 6 hours each day to pray for America. And since 2012, prayer tower trainings have been done in different cities in America, and even in different countries, such as the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Japan, and India.

Through cell groups, IM COG has also done routine prayer walks 3-6 times a year in key cities of America. It has also done evangelism for the homeless, nursing homes, and orphanages.
IM COG has even broadened its evangelical movement to Mozambique, Africa, by planting new churches in 11 provinces there.

The Conference was concluded by Dr. Kenneth Hill. He shared God’s message of unity in the body of Christ. He ended the Lord’s message by giving out towels, which represented the servant’s leadership, and also bottles of anointing oil. Every pastor of IM COG who attended the conference that night was also anointed. Through the impartation that was received that night, every pastor traveled back to their own cities with excitement and a new anointing.

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