Congress Gives Digital Shout-Out: ‘In God We Trust’

Through the First Amendment, America’s Founding Fathers granted every citizen the constitutional right to religious freedom.

The ratification of that amendment served as a bold proclamation that God is the foundation of our nation’s trust.

Lea Carawan is the current president and executive director of the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation. She has helped implement campaigns aimed at keeping God in America by working with government officials and organizations.

In its latest campaign, the foundation is launching a social media shout-out on Wednesday to encourage and equip individuals, schools, businesses, local, state and federal government officials to prominently display the national motto “In God We Trust” digitally.

So far, more than 1 million people have committed to the social-media pledge through online registration. This includes the 100 members of the current Congressional Prayer Caucus.

Some notable supporting lawmakers involved with the social media shout-out include Reps. Randy Forbes, R-Va., Mike McIntyre, D-N.C., and Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.

Visit the website In God We Trust to sign up for the movement and tweet or post #InGodWeTrust to your social-media accounts.

(Source: Charisma News)

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