World’s Smallest Lord’s Prayer Attempt Uses a Laser Beam

An Allentown, Pennsylvania holographer has applied to the Guinness World Record organization for what he proposes to be the world’s smallest Lord’s Prayer. Its size is the width of a single human hair, or 100 microns in diameter. The resulting microscopic prayer was created with a beam of light from a laboratory laser.

Scientists, engravers and hobbyists have been making the Lord’s Prayer smaller and smaller since the mid- 19th century. It has been written on a single grain of rice, on the head of a pin, and now on a laser hologram.

It was shown to the general public for the first time at the New York Hall of Science on September 21, 2013. “My biggest surprise was meeting youth who had never even heard of the Lord’s Prayer” said Frank DeFreitas. “They were seeing it and reading it, for the very first time, on a beam of light from a laser.”

It can take up to twelve weeks for Guinness to research whether any other successful attempts have been made that are smaller. They will then determine whether the “world’s smallest” designation process will proceed with next steps.

DeFreitas states “I believe that my 30 years in the field of laser holography have been in preparation for this one calling: the creation of the world’s smallest Lord’s Prayer.”

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