Ebook Highlights Rejected Teachings, Prophesies of the Christ

Recently published ‘BELIEVERS?!’ — by H.H. Roberts, Jr. highlights the fact that we are in a very real spiritual battle; that ever since Adam and Eve, Satan relentlessly continues his original and ongoing deception…suggesting we reject and ignore many of the vital words of Jesus; that the plan of our enemy is unchanged: to abort and terminate the almost incredible inheritance Christians have as born-again believers.The work looks intently at knowing God better: what He is all about and how He sees and unconditionally loves us all. It also explores and exposes many observations noticed around the Christian Church at large.

The book answers many of today’s questions: Have you ever wondered about the seven biggest deceptions in Christendom?…the motives behind your thoughts, actions?…the tongue-talkers?…if heaven or hell is our choice?…if we are all children of God?…if there are many ways to heaven?…if homosexuality is okay with God?…if believers will never die?…if the Church is relevant today?…if Jesus is both man and God?…if you, too, have been hoodwinked?…if believers should judge others?…if being ‘born again’ is really that urgent?…what it takes to be a saint?…why so much talk about the blood?… and many more Bible answers. (Many may not be what you think!)

After a thirty year technical background at NASA that included technical writing, H.H. Roberts, Jr. made a crossover to spiritual matters. With over twenty-five years of church attendance linked to listening to countless TV teachers, preachers and evangelists, one thing jumped out at him — the consistent disparity regarding the above mentioned words of Jesus Christ.

Frustrated, knowing God wants ALL people to know ALL the ‘good news,’ He sensed a dire need for clarification; someone, anyone, to ‘preach’ an eye-opener — in love, of course (tough love). However, a word of caution: God’s absolute truth has always caused offense and division.

In this regard, Roberts is spreading the Word with ‘BELIEVERS?!’ The first chapter, author page, and book description can be read online at GooglePlay.com, Kindlebooks.com, Barnes&Noble.com, iBookstore.com and Kobo.com. The unapologetic subject matter — gently delivered — is the sure will of God. Each of its ten chapters offers material for a poignant and potent sermon.

(Source: Christian Newswire)

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