Get Victory in Your Life through Life Changing Prevailing Prayer

Minister, business consultant, management professional, life coach, singer and Psalmist, Ulanda Davis has released the powerful book, “Life Changing Prevailing Prayer” in print, Ebook and audiobook form.

This insightful look into whole- hearted prayer provides biblical strategies from a Kingdom perspective that will remove the mystery of how to get your prayers answered. “Life Changing Prevailing Prayer” is designed to help believers develop a successful and effective prayer life. It will take you from the basics of prayer to the depths of the heart of God concerning an intimate two-way conversation with Him. “Life Changing Prevailing Prayer” is not only educational, but personal, revealing the very heart-wrenching struggles that caused Ulanda to seek and hear God with her whole heart. Its insights are provoking and are intended to lead to a powerful, deeply-rooted relationship with God that will not be easily broken.

Published by Booktango Publishers in Bloomington Indiana, this life changing book is a practical guide to “the Biblical foundation” for prayers that get God’s attention based on his terms. Ulanda reveals to us how it is that God views this intimate communication we call prayer. Readers will be challenged, transformed and empowered with a depth of insight on:

•What caused the distance between man and God in prayer.

•Why it is that even believers are hindered in prayer.

•The REAL weapons of warfare we should use when we pray.

•The DECEPTION and ERRORS that we have believed that cause prayers to be unanswered.

•The biblical view of “spiritual warfare” that will change your view concerning how to approach prayer.

•This book gives you a fresh approach to ancient proven Kingdom methodology concerning effective prevailing prayer. Even Jesus practiced these methods in prayer!

Obtain clarity, renewed focus and a spiritual freedom, causing a paradigm shift today! Visit:,, or your local E-book retailer, including and Barnes & (Nook Stores) to purchase “Life Changing Prevailing Prayer.” Host a book signing or party; or become a host ministry or church for the revelation from the book, “Life Changing Prevailing Prayer.”

(Source: Christian Newswire)

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