Church of God Prayer Leader Announces Prayer Events

Church of God Prayer Leader, P. Douglas Small, will be among the national leaders in a unique on-line 50-day-fight for spiritual renewal in the nation. A variety of virtual prayer engagement opportunities are planned from September through October.

Franklin Graham to Lead Prayer March in Nation’s Capital

Across the United States, communities are hurting, people are divided, and fear and uncertainty abound. As turmoil surrounds us, Franklin Graham is inviting Americans to join him for a prayer march on the National Mall. Graham is urging people to come together on Sept. 26 to pray for our nation and our leaders—and to ask God to heal our land.

One in Five Evangelicals Reject the Bible’s Teaching on Gender

A recent survey from Ligonier Ministries shows that 22 percent of U.S. evangelical Christians agree with the statement, “Gender identity is a matter of choice.” However, this statement directly contradicts the Bible’s teaching that our gender as male or female is given by God our Creator (Gen. 1:27).