Lee University Receives Million Dollar Grant

Lee University was awarded a million-dollar-plus grant from the federal Department of Education, it was announced early this semester by President Paul Conn and Director of Grants Vanessa Hammond.

‘Faith’ Shares Story of Faith Through Good and Bad

Within the pages of Jim Gray’s new book, FAITH – Facing All Interruptions by Trusting in Him, readers will discover the author’s story: his life and thoughts about the word “FAITH.” Jim Gray shares how God revealed to him a meaning of the word FAITH, which is Facing –All –Interruptions by –Trusting in – Him. Using the letters of the word “Faith,” he describes his many life experiences in order to illustrate how God has been working in and through his life – including the good and the bad times. The author also shares some of the “Divine Appointments” that he experienced with other people and how lives were changed.

Sit-in Held at Proposed D.C. Planned Parenthood Clinic

Group risked arrest as they peacefully knelt in the streets in hopes of blocking construction on the proposed abortion clinic.

Pope Francis’ U.S. Visit Begins Tuesday

Pope Francis begins his six-day tour of the United States on Tuesday with planned stops in Washington, New York and Philadelphia. In Washington, Francis will meet with President Barack Obama at the White House and holds the first-ever canonization Mass on U.S. soil for 25,000 ticket holders at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.