Church of God Celebrates 5th Anniversary in Czech Republic

A momentous occasion was held recently as a local Church of God in Prague hosted eight other Church of God congregations to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Church of God being legally registered and officially recognized as a church in the Czech Republic!

Sometimes It Happens This Way

A sister institution of World Missions is Serving Orphans Worldwide (SOW), based in Bristol, Tennessee.

Five Things Christians Need to Know About Hillary Clinton

As she embarks, again, on a presidential campaign, one facet of Hillary Clinton, 67, is unchanged across her decades as a lawyer, first lady, senator and secretary of state: She was, is and likely always will be a social-justice-focused Methodist.

What’s Really Behind the Attacks on Religious Freedoms?

I believe there is a common thread that unites the new atheism, the radical left and the gay activist revolution. It is the philosophy that says, “We will not have God and His Son rule over us!”