The Building of Angelus Temple

By the end of 1921, the words “Echo Park Revival Tabernacle” no longer stood for a fond but distant dream. The building was fast becoming a blessed and concrete reality, a solid base for the evangelistic work the Master had placed in my hands. How eager and anxious I was after another strenuous series of eastern campaigns and the transcontinental trip through snow and sleet to reach Los Angeles, where I lost no time speeding to the tabernacle site.

Investing in Youth: The Church of God Young People’s Endeavor

“The 24th Annual Assembly of the Church of God has been recorded on the pages of history as the greatest and best in the history of the church. It is in the past, but its memories and influence will never end.” –Nora Chambers

10 Basic Blessings You Should Be Thankful For

Americans today face economic challenges, but we have nothing to complain about.

Church of God in North Georgia Tops 100,000 Members

In August of 2011, the Church of God in North Georgia reached the milestone of 100,000 in church membership. As a result of this achievement, the International Executive Committee in their recent session earlier this month approved the reclassification of North Georgia as a Six Star State.