Samuel Rodriguez: ‘A Bunch of Elijahs Are Rising’

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez says there is little doubt that today in America we are reliving 1 Kings 18 and 19. Spiritual darkness indeed has covered our land, and the spirits of Ahab and Jezebel are running rampant.

50 New Scripture Translations Completed Last Year

In 2015 Bible Societies assisted in the completion of translations in 50 languages spoken by nearly 160 million people. 2015 was ‘a first’ for no fewer than 28 languages, spoken by nearly 33 million people. 11 communities now have their very first full Bible, 6 have a New Testament and 11 communities have their first, or additional, portions of Scripture.

What the Bible says about Deterrents, Defense

“Churches are places of safety. Is this true? Not during this era of Islamist terrorism and the recent AME Church shooting in South Carolina. We should not forget but we do – things ‘normalize’ then it happens again and again. The ‘no guns allowed’ signs placed in secular institution windows is laughably un-enforceable – unless gunmen are lulled into pacifism by large black text,” stated Rick Dack of Defending the Bible International ( What does the Bible say about deterrents, defense and the Hebrew genocide myth (Exodus) used by some to reject faith?

Three Wraths that Reveal the Order of End Time Events

The author of a new book about the book of Revelation and biblical prophecy reveals that there are three wraths in the book of Revelation that are key to understanding the order of last day events.

Panel Parses Religion, Politics

Academics and leaders of various Christian denominations gathered on Oct. 29 to discuss the impact and facets of religion and politics. The eight-person panel, organized by Wagner graduate students Katelyn Riconda, Adam Cross and Carlos Rodriguez, was in the Rudin Family Forum for Civic Dialogue.

The Bible Truth About Angels

Angels are created beings. There are warring angels, ministering angels and angels sent specifically to protect us. There are many different kinds of angels, but they really have only one purpose, and that is to help us.

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