World Missions Gives Update on Ukraine

Director of Church of God World Missions, Dr. David Griffis, recently offered the following report on the denomination’s response to the crisis in Ukraine during a streamed event to Church of God ministers:

Instead of Spreading Last-Days Fever, Let’s Share Jesus

As if the COVID-19 pandemic weren’t enough to spark fears of the end of the world, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine poured gasoline on this fire. Everywhere I go Christians ask me if we are on the verge of World War III. And most of them don’t like my answer: I don’t know. But I’m not worried. I’m keeping my eyes on Jesus no matter what happens!

Group Applauds Governor for Signing ‘Heartbeat Bill’

BOISE, Idaho — Stanton Healthcare is celebrating Gov. Brad Little’s signing of Senate Bill 1309 which amends the Fetal Heartbeat Preborn Child Protection Act that was passed last year. The new bill includes a private enforcement mechanism modeled after the Texas law which has already withstood several federal court challenges, including not being blocked by the U.S. Supreme Court or the state of Texas’ Supreme Court.