‘Advance’ Summit Is March 23

The Church of God Division of Education (DOE) is making last-minute preparations for the free online event, Advance, designed to highlight continual, lifelong learning. The summit will take place on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 830 p.m. EST.

Russia Gospel Surge ‘Is COVID Silver Lining’ as Thousands Hear About Christ

Russian Christians going door-to-door in the bitter cold reached thousands more children and families with the Gospel over the past few months than ever before — largely because of COVID-19.

Compilation Birthed from Dream of Encouraging Women

After the name “She Writes for Him” dropped into her heart on a spring day in 2019, Athena Dean Holtz of Redemption Press said, “I somehow knew it would start as a book compilation, then a podcast, then a bootcamp or writers’ retreat, and finally a conference.”