Hill Delivers Message in Response to Events

Cleveland, TN—Church of God General Overseer Timothy M. Hill delivered a message to the church concerning the events that took place in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021.

New Release Examines What it Takes to be Truly Born Again

Many repeat a sinner’s prayer and think that’s their guarantee to admittance to heaven. Author Denise Wilson says, “We aren’t saved by repeating a prayer. No one ever has been saved, or ever will be saved, apart from the conviction of sin, repentance, and true faith in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.” In a new release, Seven Words You Never Want to Hear: How to Be Sure You Won’t (Redemption Press), Wilson takes a hard look at assumptions people make about becoming a Christian.

Prophetic Words Are Not For Sale

Years ago, I met a flamboyant preacher from New York. He was very popular, but something about him was really creepy. He claimed to be a prophet, and he was applauded for his uncanny ability to “read people’s mail.” But he strutted arrogantly on the stage, spoke harshly to his staff and spent a lot of time taking up offerings.