Asia Seminary Announces Property Acquisition

A beautiful new piece of property has been acquired by Church of God World Missions for the future new home of the Asian Seminary for Christian Ministries (ASCM) in the Philippines. The announcement came from the Church of God World Missions leadership team of Dr. David M. Griffis and Dr. M. Thomas Propes.

Houston Gospel Music Coalition Now Accepting Submissions

Submissions are now being accepted for the Houston Gospel Music Coalition Music Video and Film Festival. Faith-based, inspirational film and music video makers can vie for a chance to have their works screened and be eligible for cash and awards, in our 2019 film festival. Entries opened March 4, through Film Freeway and will remain open until October 1, 2019.

Proclaim 19 to Feature Hispanic-focused Sessions

In partnership with the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) and Nielsen Research, Kerux Group is hosting a set of Hispanic-focused events at Proclaim 19, NRB’s International Christian Media Convention. The events are designed to empower Christian media, fundraising, and marketing leaders with the latest trends and tactics to activate Hispanic support. This is the first time Proclaim has offered multiple sessions specializing in Hispanics, an audience that’s growing in size, influence, and affinity with faith-based causes.

Impacting a Generation Through Obedience

Pastors Don and Jenny Weaver flew to Kenya for their first missions trip in 2004. At 60-something years old with adult children and a growing number of grandchildren, they likely did not expect what came next.

Captain Marvel, Women Superheroes and the Church

Some Christians think it’s sinful to go to movies. That’s not my conviction. While I avoid films with profanity and gratuitous sex, I’m a total movie buff. And I especially love it when a film inspires me, makes me laugh or cry or reinforces a basic Christian principle.

Dangerous Attack on Religious Freedom

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives introduced a bill that threatens the free exercise of religion and free speech. H.R. 5, known as the Equality Act, broadly imposes the LGBT agenda and does not exempt churches or religious employers, organizations or colleges. It specifically forbids raising religious free exercise as a claim or defense to the LGBT agenda.

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