Great Commission Study Bible Released

A Church of God-Limited Edition Great Commission KJV Study Bible is the result of the synergistic effort of more than 100 leading authors worldwide, who have provided 500 articles and devotionals, as well as a comprehensive Study Guide entitled, “Finding Your Role In God’s Goal.”

Fire 18 Encounter Conference Set for Feb. 9-10

“He makes his ministers flames of fire” (Hebrews 1:7). Are you looking for something to spark the fire of God in your life? Do you need to raise the level of God’s presence and manifestation in your life this year? ENCOUNTER, Christ for all Nations’ (CfaN) Fire18 conference, will set you ablaze with the fire of God as you experience powerful and anointed ministry.

Study to Explore Impact of Bible-Based Programming in Prisons

Prison Fellowship International (PFI) today announced the commencement of a 40-month study to show the impact of a Bible-based program, The Prisoner’s Journey®, in prisons throughout Colombia, Nigeria, and South Africa.