The Influence of the Local Church on Global Missions

Essentially, there are three strategic ways for the local church to impact global missions—a process that has fundamentally remained unchanged throughout the New Testament era. These are: Prayer, Involvement, and Financial Support.

DOW Falls 274 Points as Eclipse Fever Hits Financial Markets

(NOTE: This article was first published last Thursday, August 17)

‘Beyond any Mask: What Kind of Godly Character Are You?’

The following is submitted by David L. Hamil:

Fostering Faith, Connecting Communities

The Church of God International Black Ministries Department recently held the 17th biennial Black Ministries Conference, July 19-22 at Cathedral of Faith Church of God in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Bishop John and Lady Diamond welcomed the over 400 conference attendees to their church home and this gathering in support of pastoral and community ministry. The theme for the conference was “The Harvest.”

WCC Condemns Attack in Barcelona

After a van plowed through a crowd in a popular tourist area of Barcelona, Spain, on 17 August, World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit called for an end to attacks on innocent people and a unified voice of justice and peace across the world.

The Demonic Roots of White Supremacy

I had just finished performing a wedding in North Carolina last Saturday when I checked my phone and saw the alarming news: White supremacists were marching in Charlottesville, Virginia, to protest the removal of a Confederate statue. A few minutes later, when my friends were about to begin the wedding reception with a barbecue feast, I learned that a 20-year-old white nationalist had plowed his Dodge Challenger into a group of counter-protesters, killing one person and injuring 19 others.

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