Black Ministries Fellowship Conference Set for July 19-22

The 17th Biennial International Fellowship Conference, sponsored by Church of God Black Ministries, will be held July 19-22, 2017 at Cathedral of Faith Church of God in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Pro-Life Movie Saves Baby’s Life

A Michigan woman says a little known faith-film, Alison’s Choice, prompted her son’s girlfriend to forego an abortion. Messaging producer/director Bruce Marchiano through Facebook, she writes, “I was there for her but it was your movie that saved her baby’s life.” As a result, a baby girl was born. (Both the grandmother and the baby’s mother have agreed to communicate with the media on condition of anonymity).

Book Demonstrates Uniqueness of Adopted Children

Over 130 million children in the world don’t have a loving and secure place to call their own. In “Why Did You Choose Me?” (Ambassador International; November 12, 2017, $17.99) Katie Cruice Smith strives to answer the question of “why” in a way that young children can understand.