How Change Reveals the Spiritual Foundation of Our Lives

This past week’s estimate of third-quarter real GDP was positive. The annual rate of growth was an annualized 3.2 percent, which was 0.3 percent higher than the previous estimate and 0.1 percent higher than expectations.

Freedom House Christmas

As schools in Kenya wind down in preparation for the Christmas holidays, several hundred children in a remote village face the possibility that their Christmas may not be one of cheer, but of hunger. With their school closed for the holidays, the children will no longer be receiving meals through Freedom House, which requires the use of the school kitchens. The use of these facilities while school is not in session is disallowed by Kenyan government policy.

Vest to Deliver Lee University Commencement Address

Former Church of God General Overseer Dr. R. Lamar Vest will deliver the address at Lee University’s winter commencement ceremony on Saturday, December 17. An alumnus of Lee, Vest also served as the school’s president for two years, 1984-86.

The Needs of the Phebe Grey Orphanage

“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction …”

Children’s Day Celebrations Showcase Earthly and Eternal Value of Children

Gospel for Asia-supported workers shared the love of Christ with more than 1,000 children in northern India during the country’s annual Children’s Day celebrations recently. Workers organized several special programs to recognize and honor the importance of children of all ages, celebrating their extraordinary abilities while highlighting their eternal value to God.

Group Launches Project: ‘Let’s Say Merry Christmas Again’

Evangelist Alveda King (Director of Civil Rights for the Unborn), Dr. Day Gardner (President of National Black Pro-Life Union), Rev. Dean Nelson (Board Chair of the Douglass Foundation) and Rev. Walter Hoye (Founder of Issues 4 Life) invite one and all as we celebrate the true reason for the season which is the birth of Jesus Christ.

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