Lee University Prominent in CMA Christmas Special Tonight

Lee University alumni and student groups will be playing a prominent role in the Country Music Association (CMA) Country Christmas special set to air tonight, Monday, November 28 on ABC television. The anticipated annual event will begin at 8:00 p.m. EST.

Leadership Playground Holds Virtual Summit Dedicated to Faith-Centered Entrepreneurship

The Leadership Playground, a leadership development agency, will host its first annual FaithPrint Virtual Summit, free of charge to participants, on December 19 – 23, 2016 from 8:00am-7:30pm. Hosted by the company’s CEO, Philonda Johnson, the goal of the summit is to provide innovative ideas and best practices to new Christian entrepreneurs as they craft strategic blueprints for how to run their businesses God’s Way.

Texas Judge Rejects Lifting Ban on Bathroom Decree

Texas Federal Judge Reed O’Connor denied requests from two federal executive branch departments to lift the ban on the Obama administration policy to allow so-called transgender public school students access to the bathrooms with which they self-identify.

Most Christians Believe in the Importance of Spiritual Growth but Not Actively Engaged in Discipleship

The majority of people who claim to be followers of Christ say they want to grow spiritually (77 percent). Yet, a small percent of these adults are involved in some sort of discipleship activity (20 percent)*. There is a disconnect between what Christians say is important to them and what they actually do.