General Overseer Hill Calls for Prayer for Leaders

Following the historic U.S. elections last week, the General Overseer of the Church of God, Dr. Timothy M. Hill, issued the following challenge and call to prayer to the members and adherents of the Church of God:

Survey Finds 60 Percent of Trump Voters Impacted by Pro-life, Pro-Religious Liberty Platform

Family Research Council today released the results of a commissioned survey conducted by WPA Opinion Research showing that nearly 60 percent of Trump voters agreed that their vote was impacted by the Republican Party platform’s “strong positions on unborn human life and religious liberty.”

This Week: National Collection Week for Operation Christmas Child

Hundreds of thousands of donors across the U.S. are on a mission to make a lasting impact on children in need. They are looking beyond their own wish lists and packing shoeboxes for boys and girls around the world–for many of the children, it will be the first gift they have ever received.

A Life Story of Pain and Heartache Turned to Joy

Our world is in desperate need of heroes and heroines who choose to live well in spite of overwhelming circumstances and enormous disappointment. How we choose to live during the most difficult moments of our lives will actually write the story of our legacy.