Leadership 2016 Begins; Two Sessions to be Livestreamed

Cleveland, TN—State and regional overseers, as well as youth and discipleship directors from across the United States are gathering for Leadership 2016, a biennial conference to train and equip state and regional leaders for service in the Kingdom.

Why This Unique Prayer Challenge Can Infuse You With Godly Confidence

Pastor friend, I want to challenge you to do something that might surprise you. In fact, it might not even interest you at first, but I ask you to give me a chance to convince you otherwise.

Are Some Churches teaching Kids to be Fake Christians?

Are we raising kids to be fake Christians? Kendy Casey Dean, a professor at Princeton Theological Seminary, says we may unknowingly be causing children to follow a “mutant” form of Christianity.

Family Research Council Action Praises Donald Trump’s Child Care Tax Plan

Family Research Council Action has announced its support for a plan proposed by GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump that would allow parents — whether in the workplace or at home — the ability to deduct the average cost of child care from their taxes.

Family Research Council Action President Tony Perkins made the following comments in support of the proposal:

“I commend Donald Trump for offering a new proposal that give parents the additional flexibility to decide what’s best for their own family. Trump’s child care plan compliments the child tax credit that Family Research Council designed and helped enact in the 1990s, and increases the ability of moms and dads, whether they are working or at home parents, to deduct child care expenses from their taxes.

“The Obama economy and the Clinton agenda have made it very difficult for parents, both for their finances and their ability to start and raise a family. Trump’s plan recognizes the importance of the family in society and the importance of children to future economic growth. His plan encourages family formation which will, over time, help boost the economy.

“The data makes clear that strong families are the true engine of the economy, and allowing parents to keep more of what they earn to provide for their children’s well-being makes both immediate and long-term sense,” concluded Perkins.