Lee University Team Travels to Liberia

Church of God World Missions Board member and Lee University professor Dr. Carolyn Dirksen accompanied faculty and staff on a three-week trip to Liberia, Africa, to take supplies and assistance to the Church of God Phebe Grey Orphanage, all of which was donated or fundraised by the Lee faculty, staff, and students.

The Value of a Life Restored

Evergreen … a small community in the Black Hills of the Pine Ridge Reservation of South Dakota. Frances Yellowboy bounded from his house and headed on his bike to his uncle’s.

Ninth Circuit to Hear Argument on Counseling Restrictions Today

Pacific Justice Institute is taking the next major step in challenging a law that restricts the constitutional rights of mental health providers and their clients, including ordained clergy and their parishioners. The next major step in the litigation takes place today and members of the media are welcome to attend.

Pure Flix Secures Title Sponsorship of Creation Festival 2016

It’s a match made in Christian entertainment heaven….again.