Empowered21 Europe Congress Set for London This Week

Pentecost will be celebrated in one of the world’s most visited cities as delegates from around the globe gather in London, England for the inaugural Empowered21 Europe Congress. The historic Gaumont Theatre will be the site, now home to the Ruach City Church.

Six Prayers That Demanded God’s Attention

If God responded supernaturally to Moses, Solomon and Elijah, we can expect Him to respond supernaturally to us. I have often said, “The only thing unchangeable in this world is the God who said, ‘I am the Lord; I do not change’ (Mal. 3:6).” Everything else is subject to change, especially when God’s people pray in faith and the Almighty responds.

Ministering in the Midst of the Mess

Our job is to introduce kids to the One who cleans up messes–Jesus.