FIEL Providing Educational Opportunities for Latinos

FIEL is the educational theological and ministerial reflection forum with a Latino perspective that has given rise to ministerial strategic visions, integration of innovative ideas for ministry, working platforms, Latino theological literature, among other achievements. The acronym FIEL means Fraternity of International Educators and Leaders.

Alabama Supreme Court Rips SCOTUS Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage

The Alabama Supreme Court broke their nine month silence on same-sex marriage Friday and in a 9-0 Order simply dismissed all of the pending motions and petitions and refused to lift their Injunction from March 3 that upheld Alabama’s Sanctity of Marriage Amendment.

Pastor Gunned Down After Leading Prayer at Rally

A man gunned down a pastor one day after the pastor led the invocation prayer at a rally for presidential candidate Ted Cruz.

How Can Charismatics Honor God With Our Vote?

How can we honor God and preserve our values? Here are just a few ways: