T.L. Lowery Passes Away

Dr. T.L. Lowery, an iconic leader in the Church of God and in the Pentecostal world, passed away Sunday, February 21, 2016, at his home in Cleveland, Tennessee. He was 87.

New Book Challenges Millennials’ Mass Exodus from Religion

Author Mike Moore will transform the millennial generation with stories that are plainspoken, raw, and relatable in his new book, Love God Hate Church. Millennials are leaving the church in droves. A recent LifeWay survey showed that seven in ten young adults who regularly attended church as teenagers leave the church by the time they reach their mid twenties. While some remain nominally Christian, another recent Pew Research study shows that 36% of Millennials don’t affiliate themselves with any religion at all—over twice as many as Baby Boomers.

New Ministry Offers Help for Spiritual Pain and Confusion

A newly-launched ministry is offering both online and direct personal help for anyone experiencing spiritual pain and confusion such as lack of purpose and passion for life.

How the Evangelical Vote Broke in South Carolina

The “spin” from a number of sources Saturday night was that Democrats crossed party lines in large numbers and voted for businessman Donald Trump in the South Carolina Republican Primary to give him his huge win.