Lane Reports from Mexican Orphanage

Tony Lane, Youth and Discipleship Children’s Ministries Coordinator and ambassador for the Casa Hogar Alfa y Omega Orphanage in Poza Rica, Mexico reports on the recent 15th annual winter trip:

5 Ways the Church Can Help Caregivers

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2).
Few individuals can regularly attend church without hearing the apostle Paul’s mandate regarding one another’s burden, but it is often difficult to know how to carry out that mandate in the multitude of challenges facing Christians in today’s world.

Christianity Today Awarded Grant to Build an Audience for Science and Faith

Christianity Today has received a $269,000 grant to build an audience for science and faith, primarily through the nonprofit ministry’s The Behemoth digital magazine. The grant from the John Templeton Foundation is a two-year project beginning in January 2016.

Group Partners with Christian Music Giant

Syntax Creative is thrilled to partner with the legendary Daywind Records, whose artists have garnered many Grammy, Dove and Singing News Award nominations and awards since its beginnings nearly 30 years ago. Daywind, based near Nashville, Tenn., is joining Syntax to take advantage of its greater focus and strategic tools to make products more visible in the digital marketplace.